I need help removing my Ubuntu setup from my computer and replacing it with a brand-new installation of Windows 10 on my laptop. How do I uninstall Ubuntu and install Windows 10? I would appreciate any suggestions.
To uninstall Ubuntu and install Windows 10, you need to format the hard drive to remove all the installed OS, and do a clean installation of Windows 10. However, this process will erase all data and programs on your PC when installing a fresh copy of Windows 10. Here are the detailed steps you need to follow:
Step 1. Back up your file and data.
Step 2. Create a Windows 10 Bootable media using Windows 10 bootable USB tool, such as Qiling Disk Master.
Step 3. Connect it to your computer and reboot it.
Step 4. Choose your bootable media by opening the Boot Device options.
Step 5. Choose the partition and the OS version you want to install.
Step 6. A message with something along the lines of "This partition is not NTFS and has an unknown type" will appear.
Step 7. You'll then have the choice of "unlocated space."
Step 8. Click on new and enter the values for the new partitions' sizes in MB. 100000MB for 100GB, for instance.
Step 9. Make the partitions you want, choose one, and then continue with the OS installation.
Step 10. Done.
Qiling Disk Master is a practical and easy-to-use Windows To Go creator. It can help you run Windows on a Mac computer and put your Windows 10 on another computer. If you want to uninstall Ubuntu and install Windows 10, it can greatly help you!
Remember that if you clean install Windows 10, all of the data on your computer - including any applications and files you may have installed on Ubuntu - will be lost. Therefore, any crucial data should be backed up before installation begins.
Download the all-compatible Windows To Go creator.
Use Qiling Disk Master to create portable Windows USB drive, and use your customized Windows serttings on any other PC or Mac .